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Surrey's leading professional chamber orchestra
A Surrey-based professional orchestra creating music for the community with concerts and outreach programmes. We work to nurture the next generation of musical talent and to entertain and inspire everyone.

And you don't need to pay London concert prices or risk South West trains
This is most likely to be the largest, fully professional orchestra ever to play in Farnham.
The concert will also feature two, highly-rated young soloists who are attracting a lot of positive attention on the professional circuit.
Please book early. We know this will be a very popular concert
For free seat bookings submit form below or email name and number of seats required to
Our biggest orchestral concert will be held in Farnham this March

By the way, you even get free parking after 6.30pm in the nearby Waggon Yard car park,
and a free glass of wine or soft drink at the interval.
Submit form for free seat bookings
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